Any opinions about McCurdy/Rhodes 1971 Seafarer 24

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by souljour2000, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. souljour2000
    Joined: Aug 2009
    Posts: 481
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    souljour2000 Senior Member

    I gave up on my Hunter 20 coastal microcruiser project after I found a good old boat at a marina auction on the cheap that seems alot more ready for big boat adventure in a small package...She's a '71 McCurdy/Rhodes Seafarer 24... in pretty good shape for her age. Solid-glass hull...seems very well built and honestly made the Hunter 20 seem like a toy as far as feel.....I'm wondering if anyone in here might have any first-hand experience with one ... the electrical system is original and need aslot of work and she badly needs a bottom job since her last one was in '05.

    p.s.- I had promised pics of my Hunter 20 micro-cruiser project and so i have attached some.The cockpit starboard seat has been widened to allow for cockpit naps....quarterberths have been glassed in to be watertight from cockpit lazarettes...companionway has been raised to about two feet off cockpit floor.."pop-top' .roof has been replaced with a hard coachroof that is almost finished but in need of final foot or so coverage forward near mast and then fairing all over..rear companionway/cabin bulkhead has been made perpendicular and cabin extended about a foot to accomodate two people in more comfort at dinette table and to allow easier installlation of electronics on rear bulhead wall. Two 1x3 teak trusses and epoxied whitewood stringers are the frameiof new coachroof. Everything is epoxy except for some interior work.If Anyone is interested in an unfinished and cheap project boat that has potential as a coastal micro-cruiser..please email me at Thanks!


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    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
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