Any ideas on the designer of this cat...

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Luke3180, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Luke3180
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    Luke3180 New Member

    Hi All
    I noticed this 21ft catamaran for sale in Australia. I contacted the owner to see who the designer was but he didn't know. The central rudder and centreboard certainly look interesting. Anyone know who the designer might have been?

    6.5m / 21 Foot Sailing Catamaran 'Two Dogs', Sleeps 4 People | Sail Boats | Gumtree Australia Morphett Vale Area - Morphett Vale | 1227496239
  2. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Old school Kelsall maybe.
  3. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    It’s a Kelsall Tini 24 or maybe that’s Tonga. There was some photos of a red one around a decade or so ago, sailing to Kangaroo Island.
    Good seaworthy boat by all accounts.
    That’s a bargain, grab it.
  4. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Send the link to Duck Flat wooden boats, they would probably know.
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Might need some love, but if it isn't soft, what a deal.
  6. Luke3180
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    Luke3180 New Member

    Thanks redreuben - have sent an email to Duck Flat. Will let you know if I find out
  7. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    Tonga Trail 22. Considered building one about 20 years ago............ kelsall trail22.jpg
  8. Luke3180
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    Luke3180 New Member

    Thanks jamez - that looks like it.

    Tried to find a bit more via google but didn't have much luck. I guess many of these were probably built and sailed pre internet which limits what you can dig up.

    Sure looks like a roomy cat for a 22fter
  9. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Luke I have spoken to the owners son. The boat is claimed to be in reasonable condition and stored in a garage for several years. From the photo's it appears to be OK but is in need of a repaint. It has an outboard. All rigging and sails are included and are in reasonable condition. The boat does not have a trailer and will have to be removed from the garage. The components parts are light enough for a few guys to manually move around and can be packed onto a flat bed trailer (EG car trailer) with a few cheap timber frames. As for the design. I have watched one being built and have day sailed one. The boat preforms well and is fast but is not a racer. One has sailed from Adelaide to Kangaroo island and back in uncomfortable conditions. The central rudder and daggerboard work well as long as they are keep clean. 2 of these boats were built in Adelaide and 1 in Melbourne to my knowledge. If they were done in west epoxy and have not been abused it will be a good deal. The cabin space is OK with a reasonable bunk in each hull and sitting headroom with space for a potable loo in one hull and small galley/ fridge storage possible in the other. It has more room than a Tiki 26. The seller is selling it on behalf of his father and does not know any details of the boat. Take a trip to Adelaide and look. This may be a bargain.

  10. Luke3180
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    Luke3180 New Member

    Thanks oldmulti. Some good info - they sound like a capable boat. I'm a bit slow to move on this one as I believe the boat is now sold. Maybe next time
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