Any idea what boat this used to be.....

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by AnthonyW, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. AnthonyW
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    Location: Cape Town, South Africa

    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Looks like it was cold molded hull. Lovely lines. Curious as to what is was. Familiar but can't quite place it. At a guess 18ft or there abouts. Sitting outside Glencairn Hotel in Glencain South Africa.

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  2. AnthonyW
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Another photo of it

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  3. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Looks like a Flying Dutchman hull to me - missing the deck? Sad to see... One of the first boats I raced as a kid.


    Flying Dutchman stern.jpg
  4. AnthonyW
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Thanks Doug - that's it! Lovely lines. Pity to see as clearly made out of ply with lots of love and care and serious craftsmanship.

  5. Munter
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    Munter Amateur

    Is it a Flying Dutchman?
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