Antique Chris Craft Custom Runabout 1956(?)..Help with exact year & if correct model?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by tbird2929, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. tbird2929
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    tbird2929 New Member

    I was recently given an antique Chris Craft wood boat. It is in okay shape. I am considering fixing it up and selling it. I think it is a 1956 Custom Runabout Kit boat from what I've been told and the little info I could find on the Internet. It is 16' long, it has a single outboar motor and two rows of white vinyl seats. It is painted white on the outside and light/baby blue on the inside with wood finish on the top. Can you help me out with the exact year, model and any other info about it? Also does it have a hull number and if so where it is located? Thank in advance.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A 1956 may have a production number, but is pre-HIN. Can you post some photos? That will help in identifying the model and year.
  3. tbird2929
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    tbird2929 New Member


    Here are some pictures of the boat. The silver thing in the side view pic is a car in the background, not part of the boat

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  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Unfortunately, the photos are not showing.
  5. tbird2929
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    tbird2929 New Member


    Another phoo

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  6. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Nice little boat tbird...there are a couple CC forums and owner's groups out there and I'm sure you'll find actual owners of them.

  7. ping
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    ping New Member

    Happy New Year and congrats on your "new" boat, tbird. I googled the custom runabout kit but the foredeck looked different from your pic - missing that center board. The "Cavalier Sports Utility" looks very similar to your pic and has that center board. Search for classic Chris-Craft boats and you'll find a lot of old and restored boats that might help you. Have fun.

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