Ansys Aqwa - Error

Discussion in 'Software' started by suri, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. suri
    Joined: Feb 2018
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    suri New Member

    Hello to everyone,

    I hope somebody can help.

    I made a simple simulation of a free-floating barge on Hydrodynamic Diffraction Module. However, when moving to time-domain solver ( Hydrodynamic Time Response in Aqwa), after pressing Solve I get the message:


    and simulation is aborted.

    The solution obtained from the Hydrodynamic Diffraction Module is shared with the Time Domain in the WB.

    Many thanks in advance

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  2. Chiemela Victor
    Joined: Apr 2019
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    Chiemela Victor Junior Member

    It appears to be memory based problem. Check your C:/Temp file, or the path for the ANSYS AQWA file. Alternatively, the file format of the offshore structure must be a surface body for water to flow through it. With respect to this error you get when solving a simple time-domain routine on Module: Hydrodynamic Time Response in Aqwa, it appears to be a memory issue or it is in a long path. What is the name of the file? How long is it? And how much path is used to create the file? For instance, C:/Users/DonVic/Documents/Projects/2019Model/Offshore/Barge
    and then the file name is: 103m-free-floating-barge-in-Lekki-port. Definitely, you will get this error


    Use short paths like, C:/Users/DonVic/Models/OffshoreBarge130m

    If you are sharing the resources at the same time with another heavy software, say ANSYS Fluent, Orcaflex, CFX, Lumion, Solidworks, VRAY, Revit, CATIA or SOLIDWORKS, it is bound to be slow, except it is a super computer like a Workstation or u are using a HPC.

    Secondly, there is a tweek that helps. Switch it to beta mood too. In ANSYS Workbench, go to Tools>> Options>> Appearance>> Beta Option. Then click OK. This should be fine and should help you solve your problem. See the attached pictures to help you. Thirdly, If the PC is slow, I also suggest you do a restart of the system to clear stack memory.

    Check it again, and let me know how it goes. I use ANSYS AQWA and Orcaflex for my designs and analysis.
    For further reference, you can check out my paper on:
    Strength of submarine hoses in Chinese-lantern configuration from hydrodynamic loads on CALM buoy

    Composite risers for deep waters using a numerical modelling approach

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