Ansys aqwa error (Illegal connectivity)

Discussion in 'Software' started by serag el din, May 31, 2014.

  1. serag el din
    Joined: May 2014
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    serag el din New Member

    My project is about the benefits of hydrofoil bow wings as a wave devouring propulsion system and as an anti-pitch mechanism. The foils are applied to a 90 m offshore supply vessel.

    The main part of the project is to perform hydrodynamic analysis for the ship with and without foils.

    I've been using ansys aqwa to perform the analysis and get the RAOs. I did the analysis for the ship without the foil and got the results right but when I connect the foils to the ship (using rigid connection joints) I get this error "Illegal connectivity element 130 is joined to element 324 and 325" .So i would really appreciate if someone could tell me what to do to fix this error, thanks in advance.
  2. Hamza Asif
    Joined: Apr 2024
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    Hamza Asif New Member

    Hi, Did you find any solution ? I am facing the same error
  3. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    This suggests that you are using incompatible elements....or incorrectly defined elements.
  4. Hamza Asif
    Joined: Apr 2024
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    Hamza Asif New Member

    How can I rectify this issue?

  5. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Understand the elements and connectivity you use, when you select the elements to create the foil section.
    Clearly there is an incompatibility issue.

    Rather like selecting a 4 node shell element and the element once meshed only has 3 nodes defining it.
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