Another boat ID mystery

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by KevFBriz, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. KevFBriz
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    KevFBriz Junior Member

    Hi all, I have a GRP simulated-clinker boat which is proving difficult to identify. It has no ID plate but has a safety notice in Croatian?! Engine is by Torpedo Works! Any ideas?

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It appears to be at least 40 years old, and of a displacement or semi-displacement hull form, which doesn't help you much, admittedly.
  3. Nidza
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    Nidza Senior Member

    I think that is the boat which was produced by manufacturer "Kvarnerplastika" in ex Yugoslavia, today would be located in Croatia and I think that today exists company with the same name, but is it the same company I do not know. Worth trying to ask if they have kept the old documentation. Anyway, they had very popular boats, not only this type, and are still very popular in all ex Yugoslavia republics. This one on your photo should be model called Adriatic or Adriatik 790, not sure, but you can find info on google for that boat. Most are used with smaller engines at displacement speeds, I do not know how would it act as semi-displacement, that is the question for designers here. Here, a couple of links:

    Pregled plovila - Ref. 3059 - Adria 790, Kvarnerplastika - Adriatica plovila

    Adriatic 790 *BEZ MOTORA* 6000€ FIXNO
    Adriatic 790 - Jarušica d.o.o.
    Rekonstrukcija brodića Adria 790 - Adriatik
    Adriatic 790

    I hope it will help you.
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  4. Nidza
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    Nidza Senior Member

    Just to add, many reconstructions on upper structure (windshield), so hard to say what was the original one.
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Looks like you found it, Nidza, and it may not have much speed potential beyond the displacement mode.
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  6. ned L
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    ned L Junior Member

    As far as potential speed, I would agree this is a displacement speed hull only.
    She doesn’t have a flat run aft. The way the bottom starts to rise in the aft end will make her squat if pushed beyond hull speed. She might be able to get beyond that but it would tKe a good bit of engine.
  7. KevFBriz
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    KevFBriz Junior Member

    Sorry for the "slight" delay in replying! But Thankyou, that looks exactly like what I have! I owe you one :)
  8. Nidza
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    Nidza Senior Member

    Oh, come on, you don’t owe me anything just help someone else when you have the opportunity.
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  9. BrissoDamo
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    BrissoDamo Junior Member

    parunga boat, probably has a 25hp dieso, chugs along at 6knts 3/4 throttle for 6litres/hr
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    That bloke thinks BOAT is an acronym for " break out another thousand". :rolleyes: I'm afraid there are plenty of people who will charge like a wild bull, if you allow it, you simply should not have proceeded without a detailed quote. Even then, you need to have a reasonable idea of what is involved, and whether the price is not excessive. My niece recently was quoted $3000 to repair a blocked drainage pipe, by the local plumber. I spent a couple of hours and about $50 of materials and fixed it myself. The pipe which ran shallow to the road, had been crushed by heavy machinery at a point on the footpath.
  11. KevFBriz
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    KevFBriz Junior Member

    Actually I'm not as stupid as all that. We didn't know about the osmosis until she was out of the water.. but you are quite correct in that it should be like this:

    * "I need this, this and this doing. Give me a fixed price, with some room for minor unexpected snags"
    * "Of course- let's sign this work order, for £15,000. Estimate two to three months"
    * "Great"

    I didn't "allow" it, I started a project, I was a complete newbie, and have learned a very expensive lesson. I'm a professional engineer, so being d1cked about isn't something I experience a lot.

    I had no "reasonable idea" of what was involved- in my mind, "refurbish this boat" was pretty damn simple. But the more we looked, the more work was required. So when do you call it a day?

    After £5000? £10,000? £20,000?

    My post was a warning to not make the same mistakes- and they were genuine "I have no idea how getting boats fixed works" mistakes, for others who aren't as switched on as you, me, and probably everyone else here.

    I once cost the UK MoD £1.7m when I was 19. Not because I was stupid, but because we all **** up from time to time.

    I don't allow myself to be ripped off- in fact, the "sailmaker" who wanted £3000 to do a weather canvas got told where he could go and fix some press-studs, and had I been a civilian would have got decked.

    So the lesson, as I'm sure we agree, is- can you do it yourself? Can you do it really? If you can't, can you learn and then do it? If so- do it yourself.

    Personally I don't have a boatyard or the skills to fix GRP osmosis or apply gelcoat, so that's fine. The rest- yeah- "Break out Another Thousand" :)

    BOAT also stands for Building Officials Association of Texas, Bend Over And Take, and of course the Brighton Open Air Theatre.

    $3000 to fix a pipe? Mate- plumbers are loaded.
  12. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    At the very least, get 3 quotes, for any job involving substantial cost. A thousand quid for a basic plywood door, that bloke has the hide of a rhino. We only got the "honest" thieves, who stole a loaf of bread, sent out as convicts, to the colony of New South Wales ! :)
  13. KevFBriz
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    KevFBriz Junior Member

    I love NSW. In Oz I especially love northern Queensland- troppo heaven.

    Perth though.... ;)

    Yeah- £1000 for a door to a very small heads, AND £700 to put some ply on the deck "epoxy blah blah"....

    It was the latest "cost to completion" that made me call him and tell him he's taking the p1ss.

    What bread do I need to steal to get deported?? ;)
  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Well, Ronnie Biggs fled to Australia after the Great Train Robbery, you appear to be the victim of the Great Door Robbery ! :eek:
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  15. KevFBriz
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    KevFBriz Junior Member

    Update- after a passage from Bristol to Portishead she took on (I estimate) 6 tonnes of water, completely filled the engine bay, was impossible to control in the channel, and is now sinking at her mooring. Would anyone like a free sinking boat?
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