Angle of Vanishing Stability (AVS)

Discussion in 'Stability' started by SeaBoat, May 17, 2021.

  1. SeaBoat
    Joined: Sep 2020
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    SeaBoat Junior Member

    Dear Altruist,

    I would like to know that vanishing angle large small which is better. I have 2 model. First one's AVS is almost 66.2 degree and other is 64 degree. Which is better?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Not much to choose from there. In absolute still water, the higher angle (66.2) is perceived as better, but in a seaway it wouldn't really matter. Unless you have a specific criteria to meet, AVS's that close together are indistinguishable. What is more important to the overall safety of the vessel is the energy under the righting curve. I'd chose the one with the larger energy.
  3. SeaBoat
    Joined: Sep 2020
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    SeaBoat Junior Member

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