ancient catamaran designs

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by alan craig, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

  2. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    great link. untold are how the original inhabitants spread over oceans some 5000 years ago. what kind of boats did they build?

    I was aware of the crab claw and lateen sail rigs used by the early proas and cats, but I had not seen that high aspect ratio "wing" like sail. That might have some application on modern designs, it should be a very efficient sail, with a decent keel should allow pointing very high into the wind.
  3. NoahWannabe
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    NoahWannabe Junior Member

    Thanks for the link. Pacific islanders, Aleutian islanders and Greenland islanders seems to possess the most excellent understanding of hydrodynamics. Thanks Alan.
  4. garydierking
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    garydierking Senior Member

    The ultimate in high aspect rigs was used by the Tahitians. This rig was used from small canoes up to 80' or so catamarans and was very good to windward according to Captain Cook.
  5. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    that is really an advanced design by ancient standards, it must have developed over a long period of time based on observations and perhaps even local compatitions.

    I was thinking this one here also shows some rather advanced understanding of both fluid mechanic and aerodyamics. That high aspect sail (wing really), with some modern materials and design tweaks, could have some modern application.


  6. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    Amazing how much we think of as new has been done before. I was also intrigued by the 19th century rule bending "double monohull". I think Laser made a dinghy, possibly just a prototype, which was a kind of one piece cat about twenty years ago.
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