amphibious vehicle discussion forum?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by adamanderr, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. adamanderr
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    adamanderr Junior Member

    is there are forum or area devoted to discussing amphibious vehicles?
  2. tinhorn
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    tinhorn Senior Member

    Well, there is now! What do you have in mind?
  3. Knut Sand
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  4. kach22i
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    kach22i Architect

    The general area of "Boat Design" is where the odd things like amphibious vehicles, hovercraft and submarines typically end up.

    Just post your question.

    What do you have in mind?
  5. adamanderr
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    adamanderr Junior Member

    amphibious ideas

    well im really into land cruising schoolbuses and also house boats so after seeing a dukw i was wondering about making something along those lines. something used primarily on lakes and using my school bus chassis as a base. i saw the hydraterra. and wheelsea but can't really find any cutaway images, diagrams, concept or layout. so thats kinda what im getting at.....thanks
  6. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    an RC toy had massive wide single rear tire with twin

    front ponton/tires in the front.

    The pontoons covered most of the front tires, allowing the tires to just peek out at the rear of the pontoons enough to roll over ground when out of the water.

    The massive rear single had 'mud paddle' treads for driving water as well as mud.

    Someone once posted asking about a hi-speed emergency/rescue/disaster relief craft.

    This toy might be a starting point. They were sold at Walmart, can't remember the name.

    I'd imagine a real sized one could benefit from water pump drive in addition to the rear 'paddle wheel'.

  7. tinhorn
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    tinhorn Senior Member

    Some of the old truck transmissions could accept power takeoff units. Seems that would make it easy to power a prop or paddle wheel.

    As high as those buses sit off the ground, I'd think there would be plenty of room to add flotation.

    (This thread actually turned out weirder than I thought it would.)
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