Amphibious Passenger Vessel

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by rwatson, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    Location: Tasmania,Australia

    rwatson Senior Member

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  2. Ilan Voyager
    Joined: May 2004
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    Ilan Voyager Senior Member

    Many thanks for the subject and the very interesting playlist.
    rwatson likes this.
  3. C. Dog
    Joined: May 2022
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    I notice you are from the Apple Isle Ray, where I was born.

    I remember being at Eddystone Point Lighthouse on the northeast coast with my uncle one day at about eight years old (~late 1960s), when the lighthouse provisioning ship arrived and winched an army duck over the side, which then proceeded ashore and uphill to the point where the goods were being offloaded.

    That was one of the "wow" moments for me as a kid, in forging the yearning to pursue a career in the industry and a lifetime worth of maritime recreation, there were a few, and many not so visually impressive, but Tasmania provided them all.
    rwatson likes this.
  4. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Yes, Quite the place to do some beachcombing


  5. C. Dog
    Joined: May 2022
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Thanks so much for the photo, the tannin dyed water brings back memories Ray, are you near Cape Naturaliste there? Another uncle had a shack at Musselroe Bay and I got to spend holidays there quite regularly, it is a magnificent part of the world. I went to Cape Naturaliste with him a few times in his Series One Landrover, there was a rough track that he had made with the Landrover and a shovel, which skirted three lagoons full of birds and ended up on the beach at the cape. I suspect that is Mount William in the background of your picture? An unusual thing, jutting up from the plain. We went up there in the Landrover one day, got close to the top, then walked the last bit to the summit, excellent.

    I am in Coffs Harbour now and it is a nice place, but Tassie tugs at my heart. I can't leave NSW because I have two adult kids here and they are the world to me, but we can head down for a holiday and annoy you small island lot. Regards & Happy new year, Rog
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