Aluminium plate sheet orientation question

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by RSD, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I only deal with surface vessels,....all these use 5000 and 6000 series alloys.
    One never uses heat or heat treats post fabrication.

    Thus I cannot comment on what occurs below surface I am unaware of which alloys and tempers may be selected when using aluminium in this application.
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  2. RSD
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    RSD Senior Member

    Ah OK - that explains it!

    OK that fits with what I have read that 3/16's is fairly easy to end whereas 1/4 inch is not.

    I'm very fortunate that a distributor here does every thickness up to 1/2 inch in sheets up to 27 x 6'4" - they carry a wide variety of sizes.

    To be honest I'm not that worried about surface scratches as its a dive boat - they get banged around alot.

    I'm going to be using the new handheld laser welding to do the welding, from everything that I have read and seen that massively reduces the heat that is put in when welding and so there is much less distortion.
  3. RSD
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    RSD Senior Member

    More good information for me to work through - thanks!

  4. RSD
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    RSD Senior Member

    I'm learning heaps from you guys - thanks!
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