Alternator rebuild

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by Danielsan, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. Danielsan
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Danielsan Amateur designer-builder?

    this one is in bad shape no?
    Any thoughts? Is a Delco 1100576 from a 70s 165 hp Mercruiser 250 cid is it possible to rebuild? Here in Europe they are expensive 480€ and can’t seem to find rebuilt ones and don’t want Chinese stuff neither ... am I asking to much ;)

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  2. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Yes it's possible but why would you want to?
    It's a standard Delco 10SI alternator (amperage unknown) as fitted to GM cars. All components are available in Europe, even rotor and stator. Probably all chinese made since this was a widely copied design.
    You have several options:

    Rebuild yourself. New bearings, test every component replace as necessary, lots of work to clean and polish. If the stator or rotor are bad either replace or find a local shop to rewire them. Depending on what needs replacing can be under 100Euros to over 200Euros.

    Buy remanufactured. Watch ebay and US car parts sites for the whole of the EU maybe even US if good shipping is to be had.

    Replace with a common european alternator that fits the space. Any junkyard is full of them.
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  3. Danielsan
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Danielsan Amateur designer-builder?

    Thx for your reply! I did indeed find similar ones but non had the spark arresting covers... but yes finding reman on eBay will be less than 500€

  4. Rumars
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Rumars Senior Member

    The chinese copies have the spark arrestor. Alternateur pour DELCO REMY 1100576
    I see you have the spark arrestor, you can fit it yourself to an automotive type.

    To find a place in your area willing to rebuild search for "electrical motor repair & rewind" or ask at someone with an electric forklift about that. Sometimes an old school automotive electrical shop will do it.

    Have you tested the rotor and stator for continuity? That's the important stuff, the rest is cheap. The housing can be bead blasted to look like new.
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