alternative sources 15-20 hp marine diesel auxiliary sailboat engine

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Northeaster, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Northeaster
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    Hi PAR and others- I saw a post where you mentioned having a source for a 27hp Kubota based engine. Do they have anything in the 15- 20 hp range, with pricing / specs?
    I have a 1978 30' sloop with a 1982 Yanmar 2GM which has recently seized. I will pull the head off to have a look, but being raw water/ salt water cooled for all these years, I am leary to spend much to rebuild. It has sit for about 3-4 years now and when it seized a bit last year, I was able to break it free with a bar on the crank. Tried oil down the injectors and it is not the starter seized.
  2. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

  3. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    I did look at Beta a few years ago, but it was only a bit less expensive than Yanmar at the time, as far as proper marine engines. I am also interested in other potential sources like reefer engines or hopefully less expensive options or sources. The engine only gets a few hours of use per year - of course, when you need it, you want it to be reliable.
  4. Sparky568
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    Sparky568 Junior Member

    There are examples of marinizing VW diesels somplace on this forum. Might be an option.
  5. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

    It's usually cheaper to rebuild an engine than replace it. Even with outside labor. The cost to add a marine manifold, adapt to a transmission, buying and adapting a salt water pump and heatexchangers and get you to the price of a rebuild or a good used engine. Any engine salt water cooled can become fresh water cooled. And if the salt water engine was protected with zincs, it's probably in good shape.
  6. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    I have read about the VW marinizations on here, and would be interested for other projects / higher power needs.
    Here, I am really only needing 15-20 hp.
    I will pull the head off and see if it is just the rings that are seized. My brother is a mechanic with 35 years in, so we can rebuild it without much labour cost, but I am worried about the 30 years of salt water on the block - I know it was designed as salt water cooled, and only gets 4 months or use typically but there has likely been corrosion working all year.. Since i have owned it for a dozen years or so, I have always flushed with fresh water and then filled with either auto antifreeze or RV antifreeze for the winter, usually talking off the water pump after and flushing with water to save he impeller.
    Not sure how feasible it is to try and take a peek / gauge the level of corrosion inside the block - may see in a bit by unbolting water inlet, etc but would not see down into the far away water passages where it may be getting thin??
    If I keep it / rebuild it I will likely convert to fresh water cooled - add another water pump and heat exchanger to hopefully stop any further corrosion- only running salt water through the heat exchanger.
  7. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

  8. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    I did some searching on alibaba and similar sites, but did not see anything in the smaller size- 15-20hp or so.
    How long has your friend had the 32hp ,model and how has it worked (hours, issues??)

  9. Eugene Lee
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    Eugene Lee New Member

    Are you interested in mechanical starter? Dalin spring starter from China, a starting solution for diesel engine. It is maintenance-free, water-proof, corrosion-proof and requires no external power system, widely used in marine, military, mining, fire pumps and agriculture.
    For more information, please refer to Chongqing Starting Power Unit Co., Ltd
    Video shows how it works.
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