AIT Around In Ten

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Manie B, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    I am starting this thread as a new home to all fans, dreamers and supporters of AIT. We all know that this subject got some folks blood boiling and there were many heated discussions about it over and over. But times have changed and the websites closed down, and there were all sorts of problems - and there was no "home" for AIT anymore. has prevailed as one of the most prominent websites for all things "boating" so rather than go and put together a new website lets focus our energies in one place -

    If you want your own thread of your own designs and build always start the heading with AIT that way it identifies it clearly e.g. AIT John Citizens 10 footer.

    Love or leave it - Sven Yrvind is leading the pack at the moment and as a very experienced sailor is perfectly capable of completing the adventure. Read more here

    here is some more of other hopefuls

    I have my own ideas and will post them on this thread on
    lets make this the permanent home of AIT

    So for the enthusiast let kick off with discussions on basic hull design and more specifically extensions like swim platforms and appendage designs, what are your thoughts?

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  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    WTF is AIT? :confused:
  3. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    What does AIT stand for in the boating world? There are many meanings to AIT.
  4. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Self abuse seems like such a quaint old idea.

    Proving you can take the pain just gives in to Sadists.

    AIT = Ain't it Tiny?

    I won't get mad, since it is such a waste of time.
  5. erik818
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    erik818 Senior Member

    AIT is less claustrophobic for those of us who use the metric system.
  6. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    This way, everybody's happy...

  7. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    It means-around in ten (feet length).

    Nothing I'd do,but admire their tenacity and practicality.

    Masochistic...perhaps..but no more than spending most of your life at a job/career you may hate to save money to buy/build the latest /greatest boat and then find yourself too feeble to do it.
    And why not? Beats the hell out of watching the stupid TV for much of your life,like what most people do.

    Limited cash ? Build it cheap and now...and if family is not in the way...go.

    BTW in college I lived in an old VW van for 18 months,which lent a clarifying simplicity to things.
  8. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I can't think of anything worse for me to do than circle the earth in a 10' sailboat and at any age.
  9. The Loftsman
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    The Loftsman The Loftsman


    To each his own and the world needs more madmen to push the envelope!


  10. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    The difference of opinion is what makes the world go round, and enables myself to feel superior (in spite the demonstrated truth). But at least I feel self justified, and so does someone else.
  11. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    aaaaah well I knew full well that by starting this thread the barrage of "comments" will fly :p:p:p why was I not surprised :eek::eek::eek:

    Ok just for those that really did not know - AIT - stands for around in ten.
    A couple of years ago there was a website for the "challenge" to build a ten foot yacht to sail around the world to beat Serge Testa's record of going around the world in a 12 (twelve) foot boat called Acrohc Australis

    It was a very popular topic and it had some heated debates on many different websites and of course the naysayers were a dime a dozen.

    Fact is it is a boat

    Now Sven Yrvind is going to do it - FACT

    The original websites had a multitude of all sorts of crazy ideas and even more crazy people building some seriously off the wall crap and that gave rise to many a "wize ***" slinging some seriously nasty comments around.

    The difference is this time we knew what was coming - that's why this AIT thread is on which is still the best boat and yacht design website IN THE UNIVERSE :D:D:D

    So the reality is that a 71 year old man "Sven Yrvind" with years and years and years of sailing experience is getting very close to launch and test his boat.

    So lets get back to the successful design and testing of 10 foot yachts that can go to sea. Sit back and think: How could or should this be done - constructive information and thinking is the way forward.

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  12. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

  13. MoeJoe
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    MoeJoe Junior Member

    Good initiative Manie. Hope this thread can remain focused on "how" rather than "why?!?" . I personally would hardly even want to spend a weekend in a boat that small, but I respect those that take on the challenge, it's no small task and the risks are very high. People should be allowed to pursue their dreams.

    I'll add a few links:

    A nice article about thought and build process by Gilbert van Meel, 2008, who planned to join the original race with Skippy:
    He certainly applied the KISS principle.

    Triloboat by Dave Zeiger:
    From his PDf, the original race rules I assume:
    " The Rules for a race around the world in a ten foot sail boat:
    •The boat shall be exactly 10ft long. Any rudders, spars, self-steering gea
    r or other protrusionsbeyond 10ft must be removable.
    •The race will start in the Bahamas in January 2009.
    •Anyone can take part, any age-group, male or female and from any
    country in the world.
    •is a single-handed race. Apart from the skipper (Racer), no one else is allowed on-board once the race has started.
    •The boat can be self designed and self built or designed by someone else and built by someone else.
    •The race is restricted to monohulls (No catamarans or trimarans). "

    A bunch of tiny boats that crossed oceans:

    10 feet boat Yankee Girl made some long crossings:
    Edit: One more link on Yankee Girl:
    -Read the section "Analyzing Yankee Girl: A remarkable ten-foot boat", interesting stuff
  14. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    FACT IS I'm one of the nay sayers.

    No thanks. I put this on the level of painting pictures on the head of a nail.

    Ya'll do your own thing, there is nothing interesting here.
    I couldn't even find the how interesting, but that was a good idea.

    Narrow minded in Texas

  15. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

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