Air Dry for gelcoat/ color

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Brad Turner, Oct 5, 2024.

  1. Brad Turner
    Joined: Oct 2024
    Posts: 1
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    Location: CAMANO ISLAND

    Brad Turner New Member

    This my have been asked and answered, so if it has sorry. They are a couple of threads I read about duratec added the spray gelcoat and a couple of people with great knowledge about chemistry.
    I sprayed thinned gel on the bottom of the hull and it still had way to much orange peel. I just found out Ive gotten to old to work hard enough to sand and buff.
    BUT the question is, will adding Air Dry to thin will it turn the sides milky if my boat only sits in the water of a few day at a time. Fiberlay suggested 1st pass 20% then 2 more at 50%.
    I assume that Air Dry and Duratec are similar and have the same problems but as said there are some very knowledgeable people here. Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
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