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Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Joe Latos, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Joe Latos
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    Joe Latos New Member

    Looking to find a way to get a Garvey Dorey plan of Jeff Spira. I understand he passed away this last spring. Does anyone know how to still get his plans?
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Joe.

    I think that there are many folk who would like to get hold of his plans - it is a shame that his estate is not still selling them. His plan collection was a tremendous resource.
    Have you considered any other Garvey plans, such as these from Sam Devlin?
    Little Cod 21 | Devlin Designing Boat Builders https://devlinboat.com/little-cod-21/

    Or this one from Glen-L?
    15'-9" Jimbo AL - garvey hull with center console-boatdesign https://www.boatdesigns.com/15-9-Jimbo-AL-garvey-hull-with-center-console/products/126/
  3. nerplancollecter
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    nerplancollecter Junior Member

    I have purchased alot of Jeff's plans over the years I would sale some if someone wanted one email me at nayger809@gmail.com
  4. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @NERPLANCOLLECTER I am just wondering what are the legal (not to mention moral) implications of you possibly selling multiple copies of Jeff's plans now?
    Are you charging the same fee for a set of plans as what Jeff would have charged?

  5. nerplancollecter
    Joined: May 2023
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    nerplancollecter Junior Member

    Out of all I purchased over the years I built 1. I'm wanting to sale plans that give the right to build 1 which I haven't for the lot I would think that's legal. As far as moral the plans will prolly never be spread to continue if I didn't. I charge 75 per plan.
    rwatson and bajansailor like this.
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