
Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by garrobito, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. garrobito
    Joined: Mar 2003
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    garrobito Junior Member

    I like to install a aeroring in my 25" cata
    Somebody know how buit one??
    thanks you!
  2. JPh
    Joined: Sep 2003
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    JPh New Member

  3. Stephen Ditmore
    Joined: Jun 2001
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Joe Norwood, multihull broker, physicist, and former SE US section chairman for the AYRS, might know. I think he represented CarboSpars in the SE US for a while. He lives in St. Augustine, Florida (or the next small town south along trhe coast).

    Also, I think Seattle multihull designer Kurt Hughes has done an AeroRig proa. He might have something.

  4. Oldsalt

    Oldsalt Guest

    Carbospars (aerorig makers) went broke. Apparently, some of their masts were much heavier than spec.
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