Advice on the fees for a 62 footers

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Steph357, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. Steph357
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    Steph357 Junior Member

    Hello everyone.

    I have the opportunity to work on the design of the hull of a 62 meters semi displacement craft. I will be working on my own and my job will be to realize the hull design with stability calculation and hull resistance estimation.

    As it will be new for me working this way, I would need some help to know how much I can charge such a project.

    Thank you very much

    EDIT: fyi, I am still young and not very experimented, and the boat I might going to design is a series boat
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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you are not experienced figuring out how much to charge is the least of your problems. A semi-displacement boat of that size to go into production would take five people six months. That is not taking into account fancy interiors.
  3. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    If you are inexperimented and do not know how much to charge, you should be honnest with the client and tell him the design is to much for your knoweldge, and you will be not able to design the 62'.
    You have no idea it seams what it take to design such a boat.
    Be very clear with the client about your level of knoweldge.
    Don't forget you are responsable legaly when you design a hull.
    Always know your limits and work within them. The answer about money will come with experience.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  4. Steph357
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    Steph357 Junior Member

    First of all the client knows exactly what my capability are, I haven't lied to him about my capabilities, my knowledge and my experience.

    In this design the "only" thing I have to do is the design of the hull, I won't be involve in the interior design, structural design, machinery, electric or anything of that sort. I just have to provide a lines plan, and I am feeling like I might be pretentious regarding your comments to say that, but I think I am totally capable of doing that job.

    I had a discussion with my client, who runs the shipyard has built boats for 30 years, regarding some shape I already did for him and he seems happy with them.

    Money is definitly not what I am looking for, but to be professionnal in that business I think that I need to act like so, and in this project, I need now to arrive with a serious proposal, which include design fees.

    I am leaving in China, so doing this work for 500 euros will allowed me to leave 3 months partying every week end... Money is really not my main concern, but I just realized that I can't value myself, regarding what I know and what I can do or not, and that's why I am asking the question.
  5. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

  6. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    I agree, especially if the yard is asking for stablity calculation. VCG must be known, and I wonder how you do it from a line plan.
  7. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    Also, you can find parametric design and statistical analysis on tanker, carrier or other big ships, but I do not think you could find something useful for smaller crafts.
    But the yard probably want the final product to match ABS/MPY and/or EU/RCD stability rules.
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    So, you´re able enough to attract a repeat client.

    But unable to calculate your fees.

    There the question arises: where did you learn / study?

    And please do´nt mix "design" as it is understood in English language (only), and "styling" (what the rest of the world understands being design), which is what you obviously are doing.

    You may have noticed there shines some scepticism through the comments of my peers. It seems, another complete amateur is playing boat design.

    That may find some assistance here, when the intended use is your own "homebuilt", but when it comes to a professional stage of business, you will hardly find any support here.
    You would eat there bread!

    there is a hell of a lot more than the VCG to be part of the game. And what please, is MPY?

  9. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

  10. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    A simple explanation like "Motor Pleasure Yachts" would have done, even for me.
  11. Kay9
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    Kay9 1600T Master

    Why dont you guys give the young man a break and help him out here a bit rather then jump down his throat about his lack of experiance. If his customer that knows him wants him to do the work then the quality of his work is not in question here. He just dosnt know how to charge for it.

    I know a lot of great shipwrights that have allways worked for others that have no idea what to charge when they go out on there own.

    Now either live up to what this board stands for and help the young man out or just be quiet.

    My $0.01 rant

  12. apex1

    apex1 Guest


    you missed a point I guess.
    This guy asked for assistance in a commercial field where he does´nt belong.
    I commented that.
  13. Kay9
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    Kay9 1600T Master

    No Apex, I read the whole post and english is my FIRST language. You have jumped to some really startling conclusions based on what a young man whos first language is NOT english has posted.

    So I guess my first post here stands, if you cant help the young man out, why dont you just be quiet?

  14. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Sorry, are you a bit confused?

    What has his ability of speaking English to do with it?
    What are you telling ME what I have to do, or leave?
    Is this another piss at Richard contest, starting here?

    Three pro´s did not like his approach (me included).
    When you like it, support him, or keep your mouth shut!

  15. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    I should have clicked on the link before submitting it to the forum, because there is NO stability requirement in it :D
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