Advice on old boat repairs and modification, 7.7m LWL mono, diesel inboard

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by xellz, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. xellz
    Joined: Jul 2017
    Posts: 124
    Likes: 6, Points: 18
    Location: Japan

    xellz Senior Member

    Since preparations for catamaran building were taking way too long, especially plans for Jazz30, last drawings supposed to be ready soon. I bought used mono which i want to use at least until i can finish building cat and complete all inspections, i.e. i'm thinking about 2-3 years. I want to use time before i can start building cat to work on mono, probably at least half a year, i don't have full BOM yet, importing materials from US without previous experience will take a while.

    I don't want to involve myself with our islands mechanic anymore due that work was late by 3 month for no apparent reason and rather poorly done, i received the boat only about 2 weeks ago. Hull is in poor condition, but engine is in rather good shape and runs smoothly without any hiccups, 3700h on the clock.

    I would like to repair and modify what i can, first for my own comfort and safety, also to keep resale value higher. Since the engine is in decent shape and i'm no expert here, all i can do is just keep it well maintained. I want to focus on hull repair and slight modification and that's where i need advice, more like ideas and from where it's better to start or what can be done.

    Engine is 150hp Yanmar 4LH-UT, common engine over here, parts are easily available and at low prices. 7.7m LWL. I went out few times already, top speed was about 20-21knots, depends on conditions cruising speed 12-14knots at 2200-2400rpm. To bring boat from previous location to island had to cover about 115km in strong winds, took little bit over 4h and about 65-70L of diesel.

    Photos below, one orange rectangle on deck is where some delamination is present. Several people in dock, who are working on boat repairs said that can leave it, won't cause problems anytime soon.

    Right now i want to start with a clean-up inside, make a proper battery rack, right now they are not even secured and do something about pilot house. The wood inside wasn't sealed well, so it's falling apart in some places, location of fishfinder and gps units is rather bad for visibility anyway, that's why i thought to re-do it as soon as i have time. Would welcome tips and advice to increase lifespan of this boat and make it at least a bit more pleasant to use. Boat, custom made cart/trailer(what is proper name for this in english?) and repairs cost me about 12000$, that's cheapest offer for working boat i could find.

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