Advice for new owner of Mercruiser MC-1 drive

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by utskicat, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. utskicat
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    utskicat Junior Member

    I am the proud new owner of a 1975 Fiberform 19' Monterey skiboat. I've used several YouTube videos to identify it as a pre-alpha MC-1 drive. (It has the loop on the top of the outdrive.)

    The boat's engine was replaced a few years ago to a Ford 351W. Engine runs great.

    I have read several places that it is important to check/replace the water impeller and exhaust bellows if age is not known.

    I'm curious if you guys can suggest a list of things I should plan on checking/replacing on the outdrive to ensure it runs for many more years. I have oriented myself with the basic vocab, but I'm a noob at outdrives, so feel free to explain in over-simple-terms. Post links to good YouTube videos explaining processes if you have any.

    I'm good with cars and a fast learner!

    Also, do I need to change any of the oils in the outdrive?

    I found this kit for bellows and hoses, is this a good start?

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The drive has gear oil that should be changed regularly. Also, when you take the drive out, you can grease the u-joints (they are automotive) and the splines on the input shaft. Remember to put it in forward gear before removing, or the shift arm will be damaged.
  3. utskicat
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    utskicat Junior Member

    Thanks! Anything else I should replace since the boat hasn't been used much in the last few years?

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Check that the intermediate shift cable moves freely. If it binds or is hard to move, the engine will stall when shifting.
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