Adhesive and sealer compatibilities

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Paul Scott, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Paul Scott
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    If anyone knows,

    What primer/sealer will stick to Titebond 3 / silicone bronze / Joubert 4mm Okoume? Urethane? (I know it's an epoxy centered universe, but I am allergic....)

    ( for a wee sailing canoe, who will be playing in the water, but sleeping in a heated garage.)

    And as long as I'm on a roll, will the following stick?

    Urethane on dried Liquid Nails?

    Liquid nails on dried urethane?

    Will the fumes from dried urethane melt extruded polystyrene?

  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    ask these guys :D
  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Liquid Nails has absolutely no business on a boat, it's just not formulated to handle the environment or stresses. It is good for dry, static loads, but that's about it.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    plus when it dries completely its hard and has no flex !!:eek:
  5. Paul Scott
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    LN holds extruded polystyrene together like nothing else I've tried. I'm looking for 2" longitudinal xps panels in light compression to keep flat vertical bow plywood skins from flexing in, not structural support. (take a look at Phil Stevo's IC blog to get the idea.) Do you think that longitudinal wood strips supported by wooden lateral triangulated cross bracing (like a Warren Truss) glued and screwed or nailed would be more effective than xps (as far as weight goes)given a non epoxy environment?


  6. Paul Scott
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

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