adding reef points

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sawmaster, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. sawmaster
    Joined: May 2010
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    I would like to get some input on a project Im considering from someone who has done it. I plan to add reef points to my dinghy sail.I plan on cutting re-inforcing patches from a no longer used sail and putting one on each side of the sail where the grommets attach.The sailcloth is 3.8 oz (I believe) Howe and Bainbridge Dacron and the patches are also the same material.Would one patch say, 4"by 4"on each side of the main be sufficient? Also are there any proven adhesives that could be used to attach the re-inforcing patches in lieu of sewing-Not sure about my hand sewing skills and I dont have access to a sewing machine. Any advice/input would be appreciated.
  2. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Why not use stickyback sail repair material? It's self adhesive, extremely strong, and you could easily whack on a few layers without needing to sew. Take care not to buy the lightweight spinnaker ripstop repair tape, but the heavier dacron which comes in rolls about 1m wide. You could also look at double sided sailmaking tape - I used to sail a 36'er owned by a sailmaker who used to tape his sails together, sail around with them to check them out, and only later sew the seams.

    I've done lots of repairs to yacht, dinghy and windsurfer sails with stickyback. It handles things like a windsurfer sail tack repair (where you apply lots of pressure) and to fix 2-3 ft long tears in a 28'er offshore main.
  3. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    4x4 diamond patches are acquit for the interior reef points, but not for the new tack or core reinforcement. They should be placed lower on the sail than the line between the reef tack and clew.
    If you are making tack and flew patches, copy the size and number of layers used in the original. Note that it I'd customary for increase the number of copies as the sizes get smaller. The cover patch has 1 layer; the next one 2; them 3...4 so forth and so on.

    Heat sealing the cut edges will prevent unraveling.
  4. sawmaster
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    thanks guys. Hey CT249--can you provide a brand name or a source for that 1m wide heavy repair tape --that sounds like just what I need (if it doesnt turn out to be cost prohibitive). Hopefully its available here in the states as well. Thanks again
  5. sawmaster
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    p.s. I found some 3.3 oz repair tape at sailrite but only 10 in wide--is this the same stuff as the 1m wide roll ?
  6. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

  7. sawmaster
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    OK, Thanks !
  8. gggGuest
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    gggGuest ...

    Reef points themselves on a dinghy will not take a great deal of load: they serve mostly just to tidy up the loose sail, so you really don't need to make them mega strong. I had some put in a sail by a sailmaker on a new sail, and the reinforcement was nothing like 4in square. The tack and clew cringles, on the other hand, need to be at least as strong as those on the foot of the sail and need the same reinforcement.

  9. sawmaster
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    I agree that the reef points don't take a lot of load----the reinforcement is to give the grommets thick enough material to get a good bite. Ive learned from experience that with just one layer of cloth the grommet will tear through the sailcloth quite easily. The idea of using 4" squares was to give the separate adhesive(I was previously considering using) enough surface area for a good bond.I dont believe that to be necessary now that I have ordered self adhesive sail repair material. I will probably use 2 layers on each side--first layer 3x3--second layer 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 with probably a third layer on each side at tack and clew.
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