add a cabin to forward half of a V shaped Aluminum boat/skiff

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Steveca4, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. Steveca4
    Joined: May 2018
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    Steveca4 Junior Member

    I know I'll take a lot of heckling on this idea but.....still its worth gather different perspectives, at least for me.
    I am considering buying a 14 to 16 foot used aluminum boat (of which there are many) and
    putting in a flat floor and building a forward Cabin about 8' in length from the bow back.
    It would still leave me about 6 to 8 feet of room as a fishing and storage area. I would likely put seating down the sides instead of across.

    Thoughts, suggestions, ideas welcomed.
    Thanks for you input.
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    A Bimini top with zip in curtains might be light enough for your skiff, and could be easily cleared when you wanted to see what was in front of the boat as it travels.
    Adding a traditional cabin would most likely result in too much weight and poor performance, possibly stability issues as well.
    fallguy likes this.
  3. Steveca4
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    Steveca4 Junior Member

    The issue I'm trying to resolve is summer bugs in Northern Canada. It makes camping on shore a not so pleasant situations. I tried one of those Hammock Tents and other tents but the buzzing is so loud I couldn't sleep, kept me out most of the night. So... sleeping out on the water might be a solution. The bimini with curtains is a possible. What I had though a bit about was building skin on frame method of cabin enclosure. It would be rounded and tapered and be very light and secured to the boat gunnels. Not too high to prevent wind pushing the boat around.
  4. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    I slept up river in the open cockpit of my Trimaran once and will never do that again.

    I totally hear you on the noise. I had dreams I was being dive bombed by WW2 fighter planes it was so loud!

    Here a quick and easy idea. You could add a plywood platform and add a truck shell. That would give you good protection, and some have thick enough tops to be able to walk on, although there will be a weight penalty.

    The whole setup could be removable

    Here’s a photo of a high top long bed shell I used to use on my electric Catamaran:

  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Nothin better than a good tent with vestibules and a rainfly. I've been there on the mn-can border and next to a swamp and the skeeter symphony was pretty loud. Sleepin on the boat is no panacea. Wind rocks the boat, storms leave you wishin you were on land.

    The best place to camp is on any small island offshore, so long as you are not under the highest trees.

    If you are a fish slayer like me; you'll want no part of sleepin onboard.

    Rain will also permeate the ground better than a boat's sole.

    If you want to try campin on the boat; start by making or buying a boat cover.
  6. Steveca4
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    Steveca4 Junior Member

    all good points, thank you
  7. jbo_c
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    jbo_c Junior Member

    Light would be the name of the game, for sure. Best to make it something you could put up and take down for travel. I’d also keep it in the center of the hull as opposed to fore and aft for weight distribution. Some type of folding SoF rig would be a good idea and not to difficult/expensive to trial if you stick with this route.


  8. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Not all skifs are created equal. Cabin on a 14 foot Lund is way different than a 16 foot welded skiff like a workboat nw or pacific skiff. The little c dory 16 footer shows what's possible on a small size. There was one at the ramp a few weeks back and the owner let me check it out rather thoroughly and it was a neat little rig. I'd been eyeing one on the other side of the state and wanted a test fit before traveling that far (18 hr drive plus ferry one way to pick it up). For a normals sized person it was just the ticket. Mimicking something like it shouldn't be to hard. Was a little small for me but the idea seemed sound.

    Maybe something like a Lowe Jon boat would give a bit more beam up in the nose for a bunk.
    fallguy likes this.
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