AC 36 Foiling Monohulls

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by OzFred, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Pensacola, where I learned to sail,race,and design and build boats:
  2. OzFred
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    OzFred Senior Member

    Britannia now has an appendage running back from the stem underneath the hull. They haven't said what it's for, so speculation is rife: stiffening the hull? centreboard for direction control during touchdowns? Close the gap between hull and water for an endplate effect?

    From the INEOS Team UK facebook page:

    Attached Files:

  3. Konstanty
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    Konstanty Junior Member

    This will increase the drag of air.
  4. AlexanderSahlin
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    AlexanderSahlin Junior Member

    There is also a red object beside the possible endplate. Maybe an inflatable device to lower the "endplate". The "endplate" will also make turning the boat, when hull-borne, more difficult.
    But I think these objects are just parts of the support/protection when handling the boat on land.
  5. PNW sailor
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    PNW sailor Junior Member

    The red object is the reflection of the piece of machinery sitting on the ground below the boat.
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  6. Konstanty
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    Konstanty Junior Member

    I think so.
  7. OzFred
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    While nothing else is happening…

    Luna Rossa testing launch mode (America's Cup: Luna Rossa take off... con commento tecnico |

    Kiwis experimenting with bulbs (Richard Gladwell photo I believe):

    kiwi bulb.jpg

    The thing on the inboard end of the foil is a pair of cameras apparently.

    It seems teams are still planning on arriving in NZ as early as they can before December, maybe September. Things might get a little more interesting then.

    An interview with Glen Ashby (Facebook, I haven't listened to it yet): Ep 5 - Glenn Ashby
  8. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    A bit of a digression but Doug hasn't posted anything in quite a while.I hope he is OK.
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  9. OzFred
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    Video of the Luna Rossa launch. It seems it was caused by rudder ventilation shortly after a gybe, causing the stern to sink hence the bow–up attitude. They recovered pretty well and kept sailing.

  10. Doug Lord
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  11. OzFred
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    NYYC's challenger Defiant has arrived in NZ. Put straight into the water and towed to the team base, the cradle went by road. It will be great to see two AC75s on the water, though not sailing together in a "coordinated way" just yet. :)

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  12. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Well that was cool to see.
    Love the drone.
    Thanks OzFred.
  13. OzFred
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    Emirates Team New Zealand America`s Cup Defender Te Aihe on the Waitemata Harbour July 1, 2020
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  14. OzFred
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  15. OzFred
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    The Prada Cup conditions have been posted. A 12 race round robin series will be held for the three challengers, with the leading boat going into the final. The other two boats race in a semi–final series to see which also goes into the final. The two finalists then race to see who goes into the AC match against ETNZ.

    American Magic is out of quarantine and should be sailing soon.
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