A Vertue?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Charly, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Charly
    Joined: Dec 2009
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    Charly Senior Member

    This photo was taken in 1983 in Key Largo Fla.

    I bought her for a song in 81. I was told she was a Giles design, built in England. Other than that, I know nothing of her history. She had a few peculiararities that don't seem to be normal to the Vertues ... an iron mast step that doubled as an air vent, with two mahogany plugs on top at each side that could be removed to fit a cowl, and an aluminum transom.She was 27-4' on deck as I recall.

    Anyone know this boat? I sold her in 89. Last I heard, twenty years ago, she was down in Big Pine Key.

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  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    It doesn't look like a standard Vertue to me. The sheer looks wrong and definitely the Vertues had a transom, not a counter stern

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

  3. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

  4. Richard Woods
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    And in that photo you can see the distinctive Giles trademark bow doubler which isn't in the OP's

    All Giles designs were very similarly styled and I have to say the OP's boat doesn't look like a Giles. But of course I may be wrong! (I used to sail his 12m Flica 2)

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

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