A 'takedown' cat boat idea/journey

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by thudpucker, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    If you pitch pole, the least of your concerns will be the condition of the stick. Pitch poling is a fairly rare event, 99% of sailors will never see conditions like this, though some might no brain themselves into one.

    There isn't a headsail typically on a cat boat (no "front sail)", it's just got a mainsail, though very rarely you'll see someone try a jib. A boom would be extremely rare on this hanky sized sail.

    Dismasting isn't especially common among cruisers, but racers seem to snap sticks at a regular pace. A cruiser's mast will usually be of bigger dimensions and heavier rigged, with a level of redundancy that can't be afforded in a racer. I've broken quite a few sticks over the years and always managed to get home anyway. It's not the end of the world, but usually is a bad hair day.

    Anvils can drop out of the sky, right on your head, but attempting to design a helmet to secure your noggin from this possibility, isn't as much a concern as a good wide brim to keep the sun from baking the remaining few molecules off your cerebral cortex.
  2. thudpucker
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    We've probably heard all we needed to hear about Nimrod and his "all Weather" sailboat eh?
    I keep seeing Nautical emergencies on TV.
    The latest was an 11 yr old girl, lived in a Cork Raft for three days without Water or Food.
    Interesting stories.

    All you guys need to write up your 'Sea' stories. You never know how much interest in reading you might stir up in young guys.
  3. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    The idea of a bombproof unsinkable boat riding out a storm seemed like a good one at the time, and the bit about “cleaning up the cabin” is apparently based on actual experience! Better lash Nimrod in so he doesn’t rattle around too much and break something he will need later. He’d better be a vampire or something else that doesn’t need to breath - anyone else would run out of air in a sealed boat the size of a cat.

    It was a good question to ask though; really got our experts out of their bunks and in front of their keyboards.

  4. thudpucker
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    It kinda divided up the "this Nimrod is nuts" and the guys who would really try to solve the problem.

    Nimrod's the guy who might do a thing like that. Not me.
    But I see so many things on TV where the folks are doing the activities Nimrod was thinking about, but without Nimrod's boat.

    There was just on the DOC. Channel the Australian kid who sailed round the world solo.
    He was prepared for just about everything except a Tumble out on the Briney Deep.

    I went to Korea and Back on a Troopship. I learned a couple things about the big sea.
    It aint no place for me!
    I like it close to shore and in a Power boat, and when I go out, it's to go Fishing!

    It was a fun thread though.
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