A Steel Boat building video!

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by freshnel, May 17, 2010.

  1. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member

    Here's a tidbit of information that would be useful to *anyone* building a steel boat. A DVD called "The Big Sailboat Project" has been released on filmbaby.com and features 2 girls building a Roberts 43' cutter. There's also the site (if you haven't already seen it) http://www.thebigsailboatproject.com with a very detailed look at each stage from an amateur point of view.

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  2. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    brave ladies :cool: Wish they were around when I was still building steel boats.
    Great webpage - I salute you ladies.

    If I must be a prick and NOT a MCP for that matter and have some criticism - you girls did took a long time getting the steel work done, but hey, you are of a lesser specie and made from a man's off cut (rib) :D :D :D

    Just joking. Hope the girls will have as much fun sailing the boat as they had building it.
  3. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member


    Yep, but it was the only golden rib lol!
    We're about to embark on another adventure, and yes it has been a long time coming. Winters back there were pretty brutal, without those we'd have been done in half the time.

    Well must go hoist the sails and get out of this strait into big water!
    SV Dulcie-Darlene
  4. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Well, I'm up to Day 92 now, and I've learned a new word: 'snape.' lol
  5. Brent Swain
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    Brent Swain Member

    Alex Christie has made a steel origami boatbuilding video. He can be reached at achristie@shaw.ca
  6. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member


    Hi Brent,

    our next boat (maybe an aluminum runabout) will be one of yours! What an awsome concept. We watched a chinese guy put one together in Steveston while preppin ours and 2 weeks he had a closed boat!

  7. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

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  8. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    That's why I built my boat building barn first. Took me 6 months to build the barn but it means I don't care what the weather does and I can (and do) walk away for months if I need to go interstate, nothing deteriorates while I'm gone.

  9. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member

    Not to mention you can leave tools/projects out! Some days it'd take nearly an hour just to put away everything we'd pulled out during the course of the day, just because rain was in the forecast:rolleyes:
    ...not to mention possibility of theft
  10. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member

    OMG! That thread is huge! I'll read it all if I break a leg or something lol. I only know what I've seen, in the real world. In my world it's "the idea works" vs. "how much $$ saved". Weight considerations are tantamount in my application as well.

    I was going to buy a Walker Bay, but at those prices?! I'd want the sail add on (of course) and the inflatable add-on as well. That's 6k at least, and too small an engine capacity. Oh well, back to zee olde drawing board.

    Thanks for the link Wynand N
  11. alienzdive
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    alienzdive Junior Member

    Awesome, some motivation for my Roberts project
  12. freshnel
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    freshnel Junior Member

    Hi everyone! Wow did this thread run off into a new direction!
    Anyway, sorry to anyone trying to buy the Big Sailboat Project DVD, they sold out! But they're back in stock now.
  13. bearflag
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    bearflag Inventor/Fabricator

    Jeff.... could you please move the relevant posts to one of the other threads relating to this topic.

    I feel these women have welded up a great looking boat, made a video of it and don't deserve to be pulled into this mess.


  14. Jeff
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