A source for metric G10 tubing?

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Crocodile69, May 30, 2014.

  1. Crocodile69
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    Crocodile69 Junior Member

    Hey all,

    Replacing my 3 piece bronze stern tube with a solid piece of G10. Can't seem to find it in metric sizes though (shaft is metric). Is it made only in the US?

    Any help would be great, thanks.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It doesn't matter as long as the rubber hose fits over it. The shaft will be much smaller than the pipe. However, a bronze tube will probably have a much smaller wall thickness and OD.
  3. Crocodile69
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    Crocodile69 Junior Member

    Thanks again gonzo. Still juggling between the metric or SAE shaft. With an SAE G10 stern tube and a metric shaft wouldn't there be issues with a proper fitting cutlass bearing? The bearing would then need to be SAE OD and metric ID?

    The reason for possibly staying with the 30mm shaft is I was considering this hydraulic system.
  4. robwilk37
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    robwilk37 Senior Member

  5. Crocodile69
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    Crocodile69 Junior Member

    I like the vesconite bearings, but all of McMaster-Carr's tubings are in SAE.

    Not a big deal, I've been contemplating switching over to SAE anyway.

    I’ve been told on numerous occasions that if I’m replacing everything (everything in between the split coupler and the prop...which I've already removed) that I should switch out to SAE and do away with metric solely for ease of finding parts. The closest my 30mm shaft comes to a standard measurement is almost 1-3/16”. Though I am finding that there are much more parts available (especially with shaft valves) if I go with either 1-1/8” or 1-1/4”. Looking to upgrade vs. downgrade, so I am considering going from 30mm up to 1-1/4” on my 34 hp. Yanmar 3JH2E. I was told this should be no problem...

  6. robwilk37
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    robwilk37 Senior Member

    it really doesn't matter as vesconite is going to machine exactly what you need. just get a tube with sufficient ID gapiosis and give them the dimensions. and the stuff if relatively cheap so order spares at the same time. lead was about 6 weeks last I checked, shipping from S Africa...
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