A dream: 7 masts tall ship "The great Emperor Qin 1st"

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ExileMoon, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. ExileMoon
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    ExileMoon Junior Member

    Emperor Qin I is the 1st "Huang Di"(Meaning of the Chinese word is Emperor nearly, but differences). He defeated the other six countries, over hundreds of years of war kept interest rates, complete reunification of China.

    He has been searching for the immortal longing for the sea, and had been shot and killed a whale. But as a busy emperor, did not sail the sea of opportunities.

    I designed a tall ship for the emperor.

    The ship is a Schooner, she has 7 masts. It symbolize the seven countries: Qin, Chu, Han, Wei, Zhao, Yan and Qi.

    Those masts named by a legendary figure of those countries:
    ShangYang, the great social reformer
    QuYuan, the great poet, patriot
    LiKui, the first social reformer
    HanFeiZi, the great thinkers, the master of the Legalist school
    the King ZhaoWuLing, social reformer, strategists
    YueYi, general
    GuanZhong, the great economist

    There are seven on the deck raised skylights, here is the hall, with a capital of seven countries named:

    Mast and Rig:
    meybe two sails(left and right) for each mast...This can make a more strongly mast support methods, and a good airfoil can be made. Compared with the traditional left and right side simultaneously applied to the sail, which is a great advantage.
    This design makes the sail than the average width wide. Because the width of general sail to adapt to turning left and right, must be less than the distance between two masts.
    When sailing downwind, rising on both sides of sail.

    Of course, turning on the side of the boat sail faster than the rising side of the sail.
    However, in order to route the ship usually sailed, sailing often do not need to adjust left and right.
    The use of electric hoist, you can in 20 seconds to a 100-meter-high mast sailing rise to the top. For a big ship, this type of mobility is enough Moreover, it also has other auxiliary power.

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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
  3. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Agreed he doesn't deserve your lifes energy in designing him a ship-- design an nice pratical boat for yourself --:D Post the design here and receive solid input --
  4. ExileMoon
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    ExileMoon Junior Member

    These people were killed, is not he do it. . . A dead person how have the ability to kill alive people?
    This is just a practice, is a successor (Qin II) to implement. Since it is a practice, not to mention what good or bad nature.

    He's bad reputation not because of these things, but because there is a fraud incident, his anger at the alchemist, killed 460 people (some say 700, and some said the two incidents, a total of 460 +700). . . Unfortunately, history is written by these same class cohort, Coupled with his re-allocation of social resources to the common people. This caused strong resentment among the nobility. So he was described as very brutal.

    To modern concepts, this is terrible.
    But in ancient times, as you said,
    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
    emperors massacred thousands of people is also common. Such as the famous Zheng He, his emperor (MingChengZu) just because some people refused to write a tribute article to kill more than 10,000 people.
    And that famous butcher, Genghis Khan, and everywhere to carry out terrorist policy, massacre, genocide, it was estimated that he killed more than 20,000,000. . .
    In contrast, you can only say that Qin I is still relatively modest, although people in military management, but for all people, including the conquered regions in the law (but this law is very severe) treated equally.
  5. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    ExileMoon, Don't be offended we are just being funny in our posts. I am not a designer but a builder with some design knowledge but certianly not capable of designing a complete ship. Basically what you have envisioned here is a very large what we call in the western world a "tall ship". Your concept is feasible but at this point it is just a concept (a vision). As you are aware It would require thousands of hours of actual engineering work to transfer it into an actual design ready for construction. The design itself is very smilar to what we call clipper schooners. These multi mast schooner rigs(more than two) were rare but did exist during our(western world) golden age of sail. Other than a full ship (all square sails) rig the fore and aft set up was usually combined with one or more masts having square sails. The square sail rigs were more efficient sailing in the trade wind routes.
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  6. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Might get one to wondering about SV Maltese Falcon - Square rig - Tall Ship & very efficient & it's bloody quick also. Ciao, james 'Just a tad outside my budget though he he
  7. BPL
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  8. ExileMoon
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    ExileMoon Junior Member

    The rig's difference

    The rigs of Maltese Falcon are evolved from the traditional square sail. The cross girder bending, which makes sail close to the airfoil surface profile. Can improve the cross-wind sailing in the next efficiency.

    However, square sail are a lot of air leakage from the top down, which led to the wind under the sail side inefficiencies.

    traditional Chinese rig without air leakage, so have better efficiency in cross-wind.
    But the rig is a flat (it is actually an anti-airfoil under the action of the wind), Efficiency is not good.

    Maltese Falcon eliminated air leakage, and the sail is not a flat, so that she have good efficiency. However, because the sail must be used for left and right, so it can not be made perfect airfoil.

    In order to make the sail a perfect airfoil, I tried some other methods, such as miniature motors to change the shape of the ribs. . . But I found the system too complicated. Use the left and right two sail, though it seemed higher costs, but the method is more complex than those reliable and practical, and the total cost is not high.

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  9. ExileMoon
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    ExileMoon Junior Member

    As you said, this is a concept only. Just a dream. The ship is a very very big schooner...She is bigger than the world's largest schooner several times:
    "Thomas W. Lawson" 7 Masted Schooner
    Length 395ft 4in
    Beam 49 ft 3in
    Sail 43,055 sq ft


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  10. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    I think this needs a bit more nationalistic pathos.

  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I meant no offense to ExileMoon. I refer only to the emperor and what he did.

    He also was a man who accomplished a lot of things.
    It was a rough time.

    I think our clippers possibly would have sailed even better if they had had what we call junk sails. They are a very good system.
  12. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Ahhh Hoyt-you found the box of crayons--that post was my effort to re direct the flow back to the OP's topic- you recall what happened to a poster from the middle east on this forum not so long ago. Looking back at the first two responses, myself included they were counter to the topic immediately by off thread remarks on the history of his country and his topic. Anyhow i felt bad that he was being shot down immediately (myself included)before being given the chance(english second language) to present wholly what he was getting at. From further postings it seems he is experimenting with sail type and shape, and that seems to be the topic at hand.
  13. hoytedow
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    I certainly did not mean to shoot him down. In fact I like the concept of the boat and would like to learn more. Imagine if our clipper ships had such sails.

    How much ballast would sails such as those require?

    Sorry about the crayons. They won't allow me anything sharper here. :D
  14. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    You like all men have their faults but kindness seems not to be one of them. :)
    Ballast, i would think would be the typically tons and tons of rocks that could be removed when taking on freight(just kidding)(do we have a face for that?)
    In todays world it possibly would be a mix of fixed and water ballast. What amount ????

  15. hoytedow
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