A different terminal battery fuse design

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by sdowney717, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Following this other forums thread, I saw this interesting idea for a fuse
    Fuses needed or not? | Page 3 | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums

    Fused Clamp (autoelectricsupplies.co.uk)
    Uses an insulated nut, while the stud is electrically joined to the base terminal for the battery.
    Doing this, eliminates a special insulated fuse holder.

    The fuse has a wide ring that can not touch the stud. The nut has an insulated base, the nut's threads are insulated from the fuse. Same up to 300 amp fuse can be used.
    So this made me think does the Blue sea fuse MRBF work with this type design. Meaning you could adapt a standard battery terminal with a longer stud and insulate the bottom of the nut. On the Blue Sea MRBF terminal fuse, the stud is insulated from the fuse holder.

    And extending the idea further, a common wire buss with multiple stud connections could be individually fused if you used an insulated nut.

    I just dont have one Blue Sea fuse at hand to know if the design of their fuse would allow that..
  2. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    It looks like the inner ceramic of the fuse is a smaller diameter than the outer contact ring, so it might work. You dont want the fuse sliding sideways in your fuse holder which is a stud and making contact. Means all you would need is an insulated nut. A nut with a fiber washer. Although attaching a metal lug could be an issue, it would need to be aligned, means an insulated shoulder washer, or an insulating sleeve on the stud.

    And if it gets too complicated, it's not worth the bother.
    You really must have their insulated nut to make it work, that nut has shoulder that centers wire lug over the fuse. Lug hole has to be 10 mm or larger diameter.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
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