98% coverage with one piece of cloth for kayaks and canoes

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Jesse Shepherd, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Jesse Shepherd
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    Jesse Shepherd New Member

    A method to cover kayaks/canoes was shown to me in 1936 and used in 1944. Measure the overall length and add about extra four(4) ft at each end. The amount of canvas or width to exceed the covered area needed and buy that amount of non-waterproof covering.. Fold the canvas and slit 8 inches at the fold.Secure two 2x4s, length to be four (4) ft longer than the folded canvas. Position the cloth fold about 4 ft from the lower end of the 2 x4s. Separate and wrap each flap around each 2x4. Clamp and nail the sandwiched flaps between the 2x4s. (tack the flaps every 2 -3 inches). Tie each assembled ends to secure posts trees etc.with the posts resting on the ground, pulling tight to stretch the cloth.
    With much help, lift the hull, kayak frame etc. and insert it in the top opening between he folds and let it slide down to the bottom.To to be sure, let some kids in bathing suits ride in the hull( If the covering is cloth ) and soak the assembly . Keep it wet until the hull has drooped way down pulling the hull portion almost to the ground. When tight and most of the hull is covered , tack the cloth to the the raw chines ( Shears? I can't remember ) strips really close as the cloth starts to dry it becomes drum tight and covers the hull except the top area of the stems. Lift the kids out and let it dry completely. Remove the assembly from the posts and cut off the canvas from the stems , keeping enough canvas to cover the area, fold, add white lead or other sealant and tack to the stem. Use the left over canvas to cover the decks. Dope with Nitrate ornbutyrate aircraft dope.Complete the trim strips and keel strip etc. (I DO NOT KNOW IF FIBERGLASS CLOTH WOULD WORK) I sailed the James river in Virginia in the 1940s In my sixteen ft Kayak, so the system must work! Sketches are available , jesjen58@gmail.com Jesse Shepherd
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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Welcome, Jesse. That was an interesting read.
  3. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    I will make available the sketches if you can send them. Sent you a mail.
  4. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    Took a while before I found this thread back!

    Here are the discussed files.

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  5. variverrunner
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    variverrunner Junior Member

    sketch file format


    Would it be possible for you to post the sketch as a pdf( or jpg) as well as the dxf?

    Thanks in advance

  6. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    You wish is my command! Let the rep points roll in... :p

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  7. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Tautening with aircraft dope ????

    That's the silliest thing i have ever heard for a boat.

    This method has no relevance to a properly covered skinned boat.

  8. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    In 1935-1940 this worked. Mr. Shepherd sailed his canoe constructed that way on the rivers. What works then, also works now. (the water has not changed much, has it?)

    However, today other materials might work better. This is also indicated by Mr. Shepherd. Perhaps the idea is feasable with glass fabrics.

    In any case, it is nice to write down the methods that were used in the old days, as they might be forgotten at some point.
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