8 Metre Cruiser Racer Rule

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Andy, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. Andy
    Joined: Aug 2003
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    Andy Senior Member

  2. Dolfiman
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  3. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    L+sqrtS-F +/-B+D+/-P+A+/-H+C-K/2 x Pf= Rating. Easy!!!:)

    Oh, you want more?? Give me a couple of days and I can put up pics of a 7 1/2 page article from Yachting World's Annual of 1951-52, which has the details about the Cruiser/Racer rule, including rating measurements, accommodation requirements, etc.
  4. Andy
    Joined: Aug 2003
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    Andy Senior Member

    Thanks Chris, that article would be awesome! It feels like a bit of history that needs recorded digitally before it gets lost. Will look forwards to reading it :)

  5. Andy
    Joined: Aug 2003
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    Andy Senior Member

    Hi Chris, did you get any further with the Yachting World article?
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