671 gray marine detriot deisel

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by paulwarf1957, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. paulwarf1957
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    paulwarf1957 New Member

    This is a silly question, however, I'll ask it anyhow. I have developed an oil leak. Question is,what is the most likely culprit? Or should I say where? Don't know much about this engine. Hoping there is a particular place a leak may occur. Thanks for your help, and forgive my ignorance.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    All you can do is to clean the engine as well as youn can.

    Wipe with a rag with diesel , or kerosene if the diesel will smell too much.

    Then keep looking , as diesel lube oil is usually Very black , it is EZ to spot.

    What info source are you using to maintain the engine?

    Do you understand only 40 wt CF II style oil can be used?
  3. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Yes oil type is very very very important
  4. keith_2500hd
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    keith_2500hd Junior Member

    check crankcase breather vents also. if they get plugged, they'll push oil out of openings.
  5. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Speaking of crankcase, I install a system on mine the sucks the gases back into intake, like a pvc valve would, this reduced my leakage problems.

  6. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

    Common Detroit leaks: valve cover, rear main seal, front seal, tack drive.
    Most Detroit engines have a pan underneath. High hour engines needing overhaul can create enough blow by/crankcase pressure to blow out seals and gaskets. If you're getting a lot of oil mist in the engine room, it's probably time for new sleeves and pistons.
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