60ft eX race yacht to cruiser conversion.

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by groper, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. groper
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    groper Senior Member

    Sure , it’s just the usual PVC foam core and carbon laminate is;
    200gsm woven
    450gsm uni directional
    450gsm dbias

    Also worth noting is we’re using a high Tg vinyl ester resin so the sunlight won’t soften it when it gets very hot as black finishes get in tropical sun .
    we used a layer of peel ply in the mold first as we’re going to clear coat after touching up any blemishes and tidying up the edge treatment where the 2 halves meet.

    there’s extra uni layers on the main posts and cross beams , just a single layer on the rest of them - however not seeing the full design this probably isn’t clear yet…
  2. groper
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    groper Senior Member

    Finally got the new deckhouse installed - whilst on anchor of course !

    Came up nicely I think, suits the hull style we think
    IMG_0210.jpeg IMG_0209.jpeg IMG_0205.png
    Will Gilmore, bajansailor and Rumars like this.

  3. BlueDogOz
    Joined: Sep 2020
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    BlueDogOz New Member

    thank you
    it top does suit the boat very well IMHO
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