50' Cruiser Build: Cost and time

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by rob denney, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. rob denney
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    rob denney Senior Member

    Flasharry is a 50' harryproa for the owner and his mates to access remote surf locations.

    Requirements are that it is quick and easy to build, fast and comfortable to sail and live on, shallow draft and not too expensive.

    The owner/builder is good with tools, has done a fair bit of sailing, but has never built a boat before. He flew in 6 weeks ago, with a bag of tools and another of clothes. His driving license is suspended, so he bought a push bike. Moved into the shed, built living space on the mezzanine floor and a 10.5m/35' long laminating table, ordered materials and started building.

    The build method is a simplified version of Derek Kelsall's KSS using foam and glass panels with various edge treatments vac bagged or infused on a flat table.

    There are progress reports at www.harryproa.com incl times, costs, photos etc. Only the 10 panels built so far, with one more to go before the fun part (joining them together) starts next week.

    The plan is to build it to sailing stage, with enough interior (bunks, floor, galley, tender) to camp in, then launch it and go back to work to earn enough to fit it out.

    LOA: 15m/50'
    BOA: 8m/26/3"
    Sail area: ~120 sq m/1300 sq'
    Weight when launched (as above): ~2,000 kgs/2 tons

  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Look forward to the build. Should be interesting.
  3. rob denney
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    rob denney Senior Member

    Certainly has been so far. Windward hull proceeding well. Latest update and pics at www.harryproa.com

  4. waikikin
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    waikikin Senior Member


    sounds like fun, it's great working with people who are prepared to have a go.
    All the best from Jeff.:cool:
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