50' Cary (Express) motor yacht - FULL REFIT PROJECT

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by SandyK, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. SandyK
    Joined: Aug 2014
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    SandyK Captain of the Sandy K.

    I am doing a MAJOR refit of a 50' Cary (Express). She's a one-off Cary build with a Salon cabin and set up to be an off-shore sport fishing boat.

    I want to eliminate the salon (it's in bad shape from years of neglect) and turn the boat into a sleek center console fast mover fishing boat.

    Anyone know how to get in touch with any of the original Cary Boat Works guys / designers? I have a LOT of questions about strong backs, decks and bulkheads and I don't have any idea where to begin...BEFORE I begin.
  2. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    There were a few knowledgeable guys that jumped into this thread:


    For what you want to do you may want to consult with a Naval Architect, or at least an engineer.

    I sold Cary a lot of bolt on stuff back in the day, was an awesome boat and nothing quite like it back then.

  3. SandyK
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    SandyK Captain of the Sandy K.

    Excellent, thank you for your help! (I'm actually working toward my Naval Architecture cert right now. Kind of using this project as my practicals lab)
  4. smithlai
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    smithlai New Member

    Hello all have a Cary 50 with Quad 454 looking at what was the fuel capacity back in 1986 and also cruise and top speed also GPH at cruise and GPH WO thanks for our time and help.
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  6. smithlai
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    smithlai New Member

    Thank You and will do!
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