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45' Center Console Catamaran Molds

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Tim Mason, Sep 19, 2024.

  1. Tim Mason
    Joined: Apr 2023
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    Location: Fort myers

    Tim Mason New Member

    2_1__2907eb2607021684110e9db0e338b10538a6eba1.jpeg IMG_7752.jpg IMG_7759.jpg IMG_7762.jpg IMG_7764.jpg IMG_7765.jpg We bought these molds a year ago and have now decided to go in a different direction. We have a backlog on our commercial boats and need to focus our labor better.

    45' Center console catamaran molds for sale.
    Hull and deck molds are on Hudson's Welding hydraulic positioning systems.
    All small part molds included
    Hatches, leaning post, console, dash, hardtop, etc.
    Boat can be configured with inboards or outboards.

    $65,000 for everything. Call Tim 239-785-8464
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