40' Shallow Draft Boats?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by ScottK, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. ScottK
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    ScottK Landlubber

    If a person is looking for a sailboat around 40' in length with a draft that is under 4' when loaded, with a single fixed keel, are the only two choices the 35' Shannon Shoalsailer http://www.shannonyachts.com/sail35.html or a 37' Bruce Roberts Spray http://www.bruceroberts.com/public/HTML/S370.htm ? Or does one have to install a Scheel keel on an existing design?

    Ideally I would want something around 40'+- in length, with a steel hull. Something that could comfortably take a couple of people, and if needed a couple of kids, around the world.

  2. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    There may be a few other options, but I'd say the essence of the problem is simply that the physics of the situation just don't work out too well for shallow fixed keels on large boats. Good sailing performance in a typical fixed-keel monohull calls for a lot of ballast, low down.

    Of course, fixed keel isn't the only way to go, and while you may have your heart set on metal, I wouldn't be so restrictive as to insist on steel. How about something like an Ovni ( http://www.northseamaritime.com/Page/ALUo395.htm ) ? Do you have anything against centreboards? Multihulls?

    Fleshing out your requirements in more detail will of course be a necessary step in the boat hunting process, but at this stage, dreaming and investigating is what it's all about.... :)
  3. ScottK
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    ScottK Landlubber

    Thanks Matt. I understand the short-comings of long shallow fixed keel sailing yachts, and the advantages that multihulls can offer. I'm still set on a steel monohull design though.

    I am a bit concerned about what would happen to the hull of a boat that uses a centerboard if it is frozen in the ice. Even freezing in a hull with twin keels would concern me. Freezing water (Ice) can easily crush or expand steel to it's breaking point. And yes, I know, I 'm supposed to be sailing to warmer climates, right?! :)
  4. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    I recall Ted Hood designed centerboarders that performed well. Craig Walters, too. And what's the British firm that makes such boats, Southerly?

    I agree one should check out Ovni.
  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Scott, you might want to have a look at some Joe Adams or Graeme Radford designs, I think they may have had some shoal draft steel yachts in that range, All the best from Jeff.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    There are alot of centerboard, leeboard, bilge keels and keel/centerboard designs. I would say at least in the hundreds.
  7. Milan
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    Milan Senior Member

    If you like steel and you need shallow draft, you should look at the Dutch designs. (The Netherlands is a steel boats heaven and has a lot of shallow waters).

    Yacht Designer Dick Koopmans Sr. for example, sailed tens of thousands of miles in high latitudes in his centre boarders.

    http://www.dickzaalyachtdesign.nl/yachts/?keel=center board

    Maybe Yago 36
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    A rather simple rule of thumb is the depth should be 1/7 the LWL on a long keeled cruising boat.

    The long keel will take the ground , and with 4x4's with pads can be made to stand easily while aground.

    The simpler steering requirements and better tracking of the long keel makes self sterring easier and auto pilot electrical loads far lower.

    Reefing can be later as being overpowered does not make the boat wonkey .

  9. david@boatsmith
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    david@boatsmith Senior Member

  10. ScottK
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    ScottK Landlubber

    Thanks all. I also found some interesting ones at Tanton Yachts.

  11. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member


    You might also consider Max Gunning's Alcyone series. They are steel, flat-bottom, less than 3' draft, internal ballast, kick-up rudder and centerboard, mast in tabernacle. Some are center cockpit, some aft cockpit.

    http://www.alcyone-archive.org/UK.html > Max Gunning > correspondence > links in left column
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  12. BATAAN
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    shallow 4' draft

    See Parker Marine Designs (Ruell Parker)<http://www.parker-marine.com>. They have a wonderful design catalog of shallow draft boats to 60 feet. There are many many alternatives out there, you just have to decide how much or how little displacement per person you can tolerate. I don't like Roberts SPRAYs much myself, he's a salesman, not a particularly good designer, though many people have taken them across any piece of water you can name and I've often run into them cruising in Mexico, Canada and Alaska.
    I sailed a different modified SPRAY type of my own design for a couple of decades at 7-9 tons per person and was very comfy with our 5' draft and vast supplies of food and water. See the SPRAY thread and ANTIQUE TECH for more.
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