4 way stretch nylon-spandex cloth + 5200 on wood keel and bow

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by sdowney717, Nov 3, 2024.

  1. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Thinking a little bit more on the solid nylon cloth, save that for a new fabric boat top.

    I was thinking a stretchy material to aid in getting an even cover coat of 5200 on the wood hull keel and bow. And this swimsuit material came to mind
    I can get 5 yards in black for $50
    Idea being since it is a 4 way stretch, it can't pull off the wood like the other nylon cloth when the wood expands.
    Since its a solid cloth, I imagine similar kind of worm protection combined with 5200.

    It offers a framework for the 5200, so a coat of 5200 on wood, then this embedded on top.

    Amazon.com: Nylon Spandex Fabric - Matte Tricot Swimsuit Fabric by The Yard - 80% Nylon, 20% Spandex - 4-Way Stretch Fabric - 60" Wide - Swimwear, Sports, Dance, Lining Fabric - 5 Yard Black Nylon Fabric : Arts, Crafts & Sewing
  2. seasquirt
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    Wouldn't you get a fabric textured finish rather than a smooth glossy finish ? Unless you layered several paint coats on top to cover and fill the cloth. Could mean more work than necessary. It made me think of 'termimesh'; in australia many places have a termite problem, and one of the solutions is to wrap fine metal mesh over and around the bases of structural wood. Your spandex idea may deter teredo worms for a while. You'd need to ensure your coatings are compatible with polyethylene and polyurethane, and whatever else is in the cloth.
  3. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Smooth and glossy and old wooden planked boat hulls seem like an oxymoron.

    Paint will be couple layers. I suppose first layer could be hard paint, then use an ablative. Look at a women's stretchy swimsuit will tell you the surface is pretty smooth.

    Idea of a cloth is the barrier quality against sea critters. Plus extending the 5200 and I think it will help 5200 cure faster. And might give it a smoother surface plank to plank edge. The 5200 just might be able to saturate this cloth. not that that is necessary. It allows for a smoother more leveled application.

    I know Nylon sticks well to 5200 and Spandex is a type of polyurethane. Should stick very well.

    Long-chain synthetic polymeric fiber
    Spandex is a long-chain synthetic polymeric fiber

    1. It is a polyurethane

    12. Spandex is known for its exceptional elasticity

    2. It is made up of soft and rubbery segments of polyester or polyether polyols that allow the fiber to stretch up to 600% and then recover to its original shape1. Hard segments, usually urethanes or urethane-ureas, provide rigidity and tensile strength1.
  4. rangebowdrie
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    rangebowdrie Senior Member

    How much 5200 are you talking about?
    A few tubes or several gallons?
    It's not exactly an inexpensive product.
    sdowney717 likes this.
  5. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    I bought a 5 gallon bucket. I figure will need maybe 2 more 5 gallon buckets. It costs me $1000 for every bucket.
    I mean its a boat...what is money to a boat. 'Break out another thousand'

    I have not yet opened the bucket. I am getting everything ready as I don't want to open it and have it harden in the bucket.

  6. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Got the fabric today.
    It's nice and stretchy and feels very smooth, not rough at all.
    So far I like the idea.
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