4 types of damaged compartment?

Discussion in 'Education' started by xichyu, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. xichyu
    Joined: Apr 2016
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    xichyu Junior Member

    If a compartment is damaged,4 types of compartment may occur:
    1)The damaged compartment are full of water.
    2)The damaged compartment cannot be repaired. The breach is not sealed and therefore water continues flowing into and out of the compartment
    3)There is an air cushion in the damaged compartment
    4)The damaged compartment can be repaired, but cannot be fully drained; therefore, the effect of free water must be considered

    Are the method of lost buoyancy and that of added weight suit for the 4 types?
    And is it necessary to sort the damaged compartment according to flooding water?
    Am I just spinning my wheels in this job?
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    xichyu, calculating stability after damage is quite complicated and I assure you, however much we try, you will not get to learn it, just with your questions and our responses in this forum .
    I do not want to discourage you, quite the opposite, but you should use a book and a technician near you. Cheers.
  3. xichyu
    Joined: Apr 2016
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    xichyu Junior Member

    Thanks all of you!
    I will learn from all of you
    I am curiousing that there is no resource about types of damaged compartments

  4. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    You need to understand the basic difference in methodology of the 2 type of analysis.
    1. The lost buoyancy method, is best used when a vessel has flooded spaces and its waterline (in the void space) is the same as the level of the sea outside.
    2. The added weight method is best used for investigating the stability when the spaces are partially filled, i.e before water accesses the void space rises to the level of the sea outside.
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