4.05 Yrvind design and skin on frame 1100 Denier PVC on Polyester rowing for Truck cover

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    Hello all,

    I contacted with Welsford and Paul from Selway Fisher to build my long distance boat with skin on frame principle and out of 1100 denier PVC on Polyester rowing truck cover.

    Paul said 400 is ok but 1100 is for sturdy construction.

    I want to ask how much soft pvc withstand if it is effected by seaweed and others.
    Could that pvc coating be teared and flooded after heavy sea organism attack.
    How this material withstand to storm ? Can it be teared ?

    Boat pictures are attached .


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  2. James from NZ
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    James from NZ New Member

    I can't tear the 400 with my hands, and absolutely not the 1100. It's very strong.
    And may I say your ideas are cool and crazy, and I hope you achieve your dream! Best of luck.
  3. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    Hello James and all,

    There are two problems here,

    I bet 1100 made in china by recycled pvc. My Turkish friend told me pvc cracks easily. If the pvc cracks at high stress area , what happens to polyester rowing ? Does it transmit water ? Does its rowing deform and than teared after staying at water couple of months ?

    Can 250 gram glass fiber + 400 grams of polyester protect the rowing ?

    thanks and best wishes,


  4. Tink
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Tink Junior Member

    Any PVC material will require plasticiser to keep it flexible and UV stabilisers to stop UV damage. Ensure the PVC has both these from a reputable supplier, regardless of country of origin, and you should be OK. The reinforced stuff would be also good.
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