3D print model from freeship software

Discussion in 'Software' started by HRMM_Rascal, Oct 2, 2024.

  1. HRMM_Rascal
    Joined: Oct 2024
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    HRMM_Rascal New Member

    I am designing some hulls in freeship and would like to print #D models on my 3d Printer. I have exported the .STL files and can view them but I cannot slice them as is. I have tied to import .STL and .DFX files into FreeCAD and OpenSCAD to flesh them out so I can slice them in Cura.
    Has anyone been able to #D print from a Freeship export? Thanks
  2. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    It does not work for me either unless I patch up the hull to be a closed volume instead of a partial shell. The test file I did through Freeship needed a deck and transom and then flipped over to avoid supports.
    tops_cura0.jpg tops_cura1.jpg tops_cura2.jpg
  3. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    Do not work with Freeship so I don't know if it can be done there, but here is how I do it using TouchCAD. First of all, to print, you need to have closed volumes that are truly closed and with normals facing correctly. I simply added an inner shell and connected the parts with surfaces. I used a thickness (offset) of 1.2mm. I also concluded that it was better to print it in two parts, as it then provided a straight and solid surface to stand on. I exported two full standing models, and then submerged them under the printing bed to half the height. The two parts fitted well into the printer bed. My max volume for my printer is 420 x 420 x 500 mm, allowing a max model length of one meter if divided in two parts. The print worked fine, the two parts fitted very well, and it was easy to glue together.

    Attached Files:

  4. HRMM_Rascal
    Joined: Oct 2024
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    HRMM_Rascal New Member

    I was able to 3D print a STL file from freeship by closing the transom and adding a deck to make a solid model. My next step is to be able to print the hull shell only like this model.

    Attached Files:

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