3D models for download?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Guest, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm looking to drop a few yacht models into a series of illustrations and animations. The main focus is actually the architectural designs, but since the large dock areas are key to the design, the client would like several yachts included - 40'-60' typically.

    Where can I find a website with good free or cheap models? I'd also consider making a trade.

    our focus is architectural illustration/animation. you can see examples at www.2dimes.com

    Charles T. Gaushell, AIA
    Paradigm Productions, LLC
  2. Andrew Mason
    Joined: Mar 2003
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    Andrew Mason Senior Member

  3. dougfrolich
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    dougfrolich Senior Member

    Try 3dcontentcentral.com

  4. Davor
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Davor Naval Arch.

    3D modeling using VRML

    This what I am doing using hull data base (text file) the some one that is beeing used for hydrostatics and stability. Ship dynamics is added. The draft, trim and list are according actual calculation and ship reactions on tha waves can be seen for every 10 degrees. model can be seen from any angle.

    Program lnaguages I am using : Fortran, Visual Basic and VRML (Parallelgraphics)



    Attached Files:

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