3D Designer wanted

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by PPI interiors, Sep 12, 2024.

  1. PPI interiors
    Joined: Sep 2024
    Posts: 1
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    Location: Sarasota FL

    PPI interiors New Member

    Hey all,

    I do not know if this is the proper forum to post to, Our company Premier performance interior is located in Sarasota Florida. We are current at 68,000SQft of manufacturing space and have 65 employees and is still growing. We supply interiors for a majority of the major brands in the industry. We are currently seeking an individual who would like to join our design and engineering team and help design the next new wave of marine interiors, We would like to use 3D CAD to make the boats in visual space then reverse engineer the sub-straights, foam and vinyl from these models. We would also like to use these models for customer renderings. if you or someone you know maybe interested in joining our team. Please contact us at 941-752-6271. e-mail chrisj@ppi-fl.com or use our website www.ppi-fl.com Thank you!

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