3D/Core XPS Vs Divinycell H80 ( with table comparison)

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Stefano Dilena, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Stefano Dilena
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    Stefano Dilena Junior Member

    3d/Core materials have been discussed previously. DOWNLOADS https://3d-core.com/en/downloads.html
    A direct comparison between the 3d/core XPS and standard PVC foam hasn't been done. I took my time to compare the data sheets which are presented below.

    I compared the XPS product to a Divinycell H80 because of its ligthweigth at 45kg/m3, compared to 80kg/m3 of Divinycell, which by the way is the foam used in Duflex panels.

    The 3d core of the panel is given by a 3d void mesh that is filled by epoxy during the infusion process, similar to PVC slotted and perforated.
    I think the results speak for themselves, highly in favour of XPS 3D core. For a similar shear strength we have 4 times compression strength.

    - XPS should be cheaper than PVC ( to confirm with manufacturer quote)
    - XPS is 45kg/m3 against 80kg/m3
    - XPS doesn't like gasoline - to be used above waterline away from tanks

    What I cannot find is the amount of resin absorbed by PVC foam during a typical infusion process.
    Does anyone have that information at hand, perhaps from experience?
    For XPS in Hexagon core we have 40g/m2/mm, so for a 20mm panel we should have 800g/m2 resin absorption.

    Any other reason to avoid XPS over PVC?

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  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Something is wrong here.

    If the core is open, then it would take a lot more resin to fill.

    You have to compare total uptake, not surface only for one.

    use 0.6 kg/m^2 for pvc

    Should add, you can only infuse those open pore products. So, that changes things a bit as well. But figure some resin cost challenges; especially for epoxy.

    the other thing is I only saw it to 10mm, very few larger hulls will spec below 12mm
  3. Stefano Dilena
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    Stefano Dilena Junior Member

    The resin uptake is given per mm of thickness, so for a 10mm panel we have 40x10= 400grams of resin per square meter. This is not the surface uptake, is the total resin absorption of the material.
    I guess this is for standard PVC? For slotted and perforated PVC foam the intake should higher no?
    I don't know about your last statement, but this is a product designed specifically for vacuum infusion..
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Doesn't like gasoline ? I don't like the sound of it. Is this some variety of polystyrene ?
  5. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Stefano, your data is flawed. From the 3D TDS you used the values for "hybrid". If you look closely there is a small 2 next to "hybrid" and a note that says: "hybrid" means 20mm fiberglass epoxy sandwich panels.
    You are comparing the H80 bare foam numbers to epoxy fiberglass laminated XPS.
    The 3D XPS is good for furniture, not hulls.
    fallguy likes this.

  6. DaanDM
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    DaanDM Junior Member

    Rumars, I would say that 3D could have done a better job describing it unambiguously as they use the words "sandwich panels" which would make you think there's a sandwich made. But that would not make much sense coming from a technical supplier, I assume the marketing guys are not allowed to pull such tricks when it comes to technical characteristics. They explicitly mention the text in bold;

    So it should be a clear comparison to the 700N/mm2 base material....
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