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38' Retro rumrunner molds for sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by pabrade, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. pabrade
    Joined: Apr 2007
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    pabrade New Member

    I have a perfect set of molds and about 7000m2 of structural 11oz to sell as one big package! The molds are weather protected and have been in storage for about 3 years.They need nothing but a waxing. We were set to start production but the facility we were at had issues..so many in fact,that we just finished suing the landlord(District court of Maryland,Pabrade t/a Stephen Canning vs. Crown Associates)to which they finally settled out of court.Part of the settlement was our moving by a certain date and when that date arrived we were short on space by about 150k ft2 !! We bought a facility in Pa but it needs about 2 years of developement and I really do not want to wait it out. I am willing to take my losses and sell these molds to a qualified buyer,or builder and would be the first to buy a hull!! I am an importer and bring marine grade plywood and teak family hardwoods to the US.Our offices are in Lithuania and we are based in Baltimore. I can send pics to anyone interested and the molds are for sale now. 27k buys the lot.410-526-9448 Steve

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  2. ASM
    Joined: Sep 2005
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    ASM Senior Member

    38 '


    This boat really looks good ! Could you sent me some more information, pictures and background on these moulds ? Thanks !

  3. lnnjnnngs
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    lnnjnnngs New Member

    Please send additional information, drawings, photos.
  4. gelcoatman
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    gelcoatman Junior Member

    rum runner

    looks like a semi displacement hull. not a planing hull..realy like the lines any idea of max speed on the hull desighn and max power the boat hull can handle thanks ....gel.
  5. gelcoatman
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    gelcoatman Junior Member

    any speed and stability info you have on this hull along with max h.p capabilities would be apreciated langdellc@hotmail.com or posting through this thread would be good too
  6. longliner45
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    longliner45 Senior Member

    look up Frank Pembrook Huckins..,,,,and Nick Stowe Im looking at his work,,featured in wooden boat number 56,,,very similar,,,,nice
  7. lnnjnnngs
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    lnnjnnngs New Member

    Please send photos, drawings, etc for the molds you have for sale.

    Thank you,
    Linn Jennings

  8. longliner45
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    longliner45 Senior Member

    I have allways loved the rum runners hull ,,so seaworthy and such a noble cause,longliner
  9. Colormarine
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    Colormarine New Member


    Please let me have drawings of completed yacht and price for the moulds including invantry

  10. Colormarine
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    Colormarine New Member

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