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31'-36' Outboard Hull Design

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Robbie2003, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Robbie2003
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    Robbie2003 New Member

    I am currently looking for a boat in the low to mid 30 foot range that will take outboards. Prefer a Downeast or Chesapeake style (although I know that is almost non-existent). Looking for molds or to buy hulls from someone and finish them off myself. I would consider anything out there as an option. I realize the Downeast or Chesapeake style in outboards that size are hard to find. Just putting out some feelers to see if anyone knows of anything similar or in that size range that is available.
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    Location: Eustis, FL

    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    With such a limited market, your search will be difficult, though with modifications you could modify a mold or existing hull to accept an outboard, maybe in a well or even on a bracket. Given the current market, there are literally hundreds of quite servable hulls around, with need for new owners, many can be had for the yard bill.

    The easy approach though a little tedious, is to hit the coast and find all the little towns and their marinas. In the back of each will be a crop of forlorn hulls, forgotten by their owners. The marinas will do pretty much anything to free up these dead spaces in the yard, so a little leg work can go a long way. Spend a few Saturdays doing this and you'll have a dozen or so good choices, needing varying levels of attention.
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