3 cylinder diesel exhaust leak problems

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by marsh trapper, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. marsh trapper
    Joined: Feb 2015
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    marsh trapper Junior Member

    Hey everyone I need help I have a 3 cylinder kubota diesel in my boat my fatheer was tryn to help me replacing the exhaust gasket at the manifold at elbow to wet exhaust..
    While making the gasket he forgot to put hole in center for exhaust to escape...

    Not knowing i sailed boat a good 5 hours none stop just at slow speeds...we let boat run in slip before sail for a good ten mins and noticed water coming out of exhaust n motor ran cool but no exhaust out of pipe to push water out more..then when out sailin for about the first half hour or so the motor bogged down and im guessing blew a hole in gasket and all suddenly motor sounded right and exhaust started pushing water out like it should ..before hand motor sounded loud n different..

    Now at same gasket I have water mist shooting out ...luckily when removing manifold ir was real thin on side of hole too the point where it would be next to impossible to seal so now I have a welder to fill in sides for better sealing and redoing this manifold again

    My question is what do u guys think?.. could this have tore my motor up ? The motor starts right up and sounds fine but does burn alot oil ...and I believe manifold had real thin wear on sides before hand .. (which may have helped some exhaust fumes escape)...but where did it all go?...wouldnt motor bog down if exhaust was coming back into motor throw manifold? Would it had ran that good n long and how did it even stay running...sorry so long I just wanted to find out what u all think
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It's possible that the water got into the cylinders and rusted them and the rings. How much oil does it burn in an hour?
  3. marsh trapper
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    marsh trapper Junior Member

    I think I may be good with the water, the water comes out past the gasket on top of the downward elbow for exhaust...about a half a quart that day riding and now just running in slip she burns a 1/8 maybe more and all I do is let it run to charge battery for bilge pump once a week for a few mins only (havent sailed boat again yet )..but no leaks In bilge ...iv never owned a diesel before so im a newbie
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is that 1/8 of a quart in a few minutes?
  5. marsh trapper
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    marsh trapper Junior Member

    Yes I just start it in let it run a few mins once or twice a weekand when I check oil followin week it that low

  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Sometimes a bit of rust can make the rings stick in the piston grooves. Try running the engine hard under load for a while and then see what happens. You can put it in gear at the dock and open up the throttle. Make sure you have enough lines
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