3.0 to 5.7 small block chevy

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Eagle1, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. Eagle1
    Joined: Dec 2022
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    Eagle1 Junior Member

    I'm doing this switch anyone have any suggestions?
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Eagle.

    Can you supply some more details re this project please?
    Such as what type of boat, what type of propulsion system......
  3. Eagle1
    Joined: Dec 2022
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    Eagle1 Junior Member

    it is a Larson that came with a Volvo Penta 3.0 so I'm now trying to switch to small block Chevy by putting all Volvo Penta 5.7 accessories on it.
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